Video Portal Directions
In response to the pandemic, we have switched completely to video sessions. We'll be re-evaluating this on an ongoing basis.
Use the secure video portal link that was emailed to you earlier with your initial information. The portal simple to use - there are no downloads, accounts to set up. or even passwords needed.
Though simple, it can have glitches like all web video. If the video connection is poor & can't be corrected quickly, then as a back up we will call you to do the session by phone.
To schedule or if you have questions - use the contact button below.
The stronger the internet connection, the better the experience
Cell connection alone will not work
Best experience is on computers, not mobile devices.
For couples: Absolute best experience is on one computer. Also, if one of you is on mobile & the other on computer more problems are likely.
If you're using an apple mobile device, use must use the Apple Safari browser only
Well ahead of time, do a test run entering the waiting room and testing your video & mic.
Basic steps to use the video platform:
Use a computer with a camera or a mobile device
Follow the following link a few minutes before your appointment to enter the virtual waiting room:
You'll arrive into a virtual waiting room - no password needed.
Don't worry, you can't "see" anyone else in the waiting room & you can't interrupt an ongoing session
We'll connect with you shortlly
There's a link in the waiting room to test your camera & mic
If you have trouble in your test, closing & re-opening the browser and/or re-starting your computer usually fixes it
If you're a couple, you can be on separate devices & in separate locations - though this isn't as good an experience
If the video is not working, we'll call you
Some workplace firewalls will block the service
Choppy video :
Safari Trouble: