Is A Retreat Right For Us?
Will We Benefit From The Intensive Marriage Retreats?
Our Intensive marriage retreats are recommended if you have the following kinds of concerns:
Ongoing communication problems that you can’t seem to change.
A recent or unsettled relationship crisis such as an affair.
Recurring conflicts that remain unresolved.
Collaborations which frequently fail.
Distance & disconnection.
You want to rekindle your relationship or enhance closeness.
Intimacy problems.
Problematic joint parenting or troubles with your blended family.
One partner has ADD, an anxiety disorder, depression, or health problems.
You experienced a significant loss in the family leading to distance or conflict.
Our intensive marriage retreats are not recommended if:
One partner is in severe personal crisis which significantly diminishes the ability to perform daily tasks.
The relationship is in unending conflict without a break.
One or both partners have significant substance abuse.
There is a history of violence or very severe, repetitive anger by either partner.
Either partner has safety concerns or concerns about self harm.